The "Skinny" on That Crazy Wrap Thing

I wanted to take a few minutes to give you the "skinny" on these skinny wraps. The #1 question I always get is "do they actually work?" Yes they do! In fact what we've experienced in the last decade is that 9 out of 10 people will see visible results the first time the wrap and you will continue to see progressive results each time you wrap. I can speak from my own personal results that this wrap actually does work, but the best way for you to know is to try one for yourself. But before you do, I want you to know the truth about what these wraps are and how they work so that you have the right expectations about the kind of results you can expect to see.

The Truth Revealed...
Our wraps are NOT designed to make you ‪skinny‬ overnight, to be a substitute for ‪‎healthy‬ eating and regular ‪‎exercise‬, or to be a part of ANY unhealthy crash ‪diet‬.

And we don't guarantee that they will make you lose any weight because that's NOT what they're for...

So...what ARE these ‪‎skinny wraps‬ for?

✓ Reducing the appearance of cellulite
✓ Tightening, toning and FIRMING those problem areas
✓ Reducing the appearance of stretch marks
✓ Getting your body BEACH-ready!

Ok...WHO are these wraps good for?

✓ People who have LOOSE or sagging skin because of dramatic weight loss, surgery, etc.
‪‎MOMS‬ who want help getting their pre-baby body back without the use of harmful drugs and supplements.
✓ Avid exercisers who can't seem to tone up that ONE troublesome area.
‪‎Brides‬ and ‪grooms‬ who want to look extra ‪‎SEXY‬ for their special day.
✓ Anyone who wants a ‪CONFIDENCE‬ boost!

We've sold THOUSANDS of wraps so far.... have YOU tried one? I'd love to hear your results!

Ready to Wrap? Here's How!

Very EASY to wrap yourself!

#1) clean off the area you are treating
#2) Unfold the wrap (it already has all the “magic” potion on it )
#3 Put the wrap on your problem area
#4) Secure with plastic wrap or an ace bandage
Keep it on for at least 45 minutes and drink water!
See, told you it was easy.. next just enjoy your results
Get a box of 4 wraps for $99 Retail or $59 as a loyal customer

Expect “ultimate” results with this amazing 45-minute body Applicator (body wrap)! The Ultimate Body Wrap Applicator is a non-woven cloth wrap that has been infused with a powerful, botanically-based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning, and firming results where applied to the skin.

Tightens, tones, & firms

Minimizes cellulite appearance
Improves skin texture & tightness
Mess-free and simple to use
Results in as little as 45 minutes
Progressive results over 72 hours
Made with natural ingredients

Includes 4 Body Wrap Applicators

Directions: Apply one Body Wrap Applicator to one area of your choice (such as the abdomen, back, sides, legs, arms, or buttocks) and leave on for 45 minutes. Remove and discard. Repeat after 72 hours.