Become a Distributor

Becoming an It Works! Global Independent Distributor is as easy as 1-2-3!

All you have to do is follow the 3 step process that is a proven system, no need to reinvent the wheel.
If you are looking for extra income then why not join one of the fastest growing at home multi marketing businesses. Join It Works! Global. A Debt free Company.
Want to get out and meet new people?
Earn Extra money to pay for family vacation / wedding / education?
Want to make someone feel good about them self?
Do you own a Spa, Salon, Fitness Gym, or weight loss program – Contact me to learn how to up sale your current services by offering It Works! products to your patrons.
I will help you grow your business by training you, helping you with your launch party and walking you though the steps to become successful with your business.
Like any business it takes time, devotion and a love of what you are doing to be successful.  I am willing to give you the assistance if you are willing to put in the time. Set your financial goal and as you build your residual income, start living your dream.
I am looking to expand my team to consultants from coast to coast, across the pond to my European friends and beyond to the Netherlands and believe it or not – but all the way to the other side of the world to our Australian friends.
I welcome you all!
Everything you need to get started comes with your $99 Special Starter Kit. You will pay $99 plus shipping and taxes. You will get a website that is free for the 1st month and then you will pay $20 per month for website.
Get Online Marketing Materials, Online Support, Team support and discounted products.
Click here to sign up

Steps to Success
Step 1-
Join $99 Special (normally $199 plus SH/Tax)
  • Includes box of Body wraps
  • Promotional materials
  • Membership as a Distributor
  • Optional, however to have a party you will need wraps
  • 8-12 wraps per party is average
Boost Kits:
$499 Kit
8 Boxes of Body Applicators (wraps) (32 Individual wraps)
3 Boxes of Facial Applicators (12 individual Facial Applicators)
1 Green
1 Fat Fighter
1 Defining Gel

$149 Kit Mini Booster
This kit is only available at time of signing up as a distributor
2 Boxes of Body Applicators (wraps) (8 Individual wraps)
1 Box of Facial Applicators (4 individual Facial Applicators)
1 Green
1 Fat Fighter
1 Defining Gel
Click here to sign up
This allows you to be “Commission Qualified- Bonus Qualified”
As a distributor you will need 80 BV
Example of what you can order for the 80 BV:
2 boxes of wraps (or)
Skinny Pack
Step 2 -
Gather people, wrap them. The product will speak for itself.
Earn Free Products:
Get $120 in Free Products when you sign 4 Loyal Customers in your First 30 Days
Discounted Wraps:
For every 2 Loyal Customers you will receive a Wrap Reward, this is where you can purchase a box of wraps at a discounted price.
Step 3-
Every time you get someone to signup and do the following
1. Join, Sign up for Autoship
2. Get 4 Loyal Customers
You get $100 Fast Start bonus
By the 2nd month of your business you get $500 or It Works will make up the difference
Every time you wrap someone you are earning money on the wrap average wrap at parties are sold for $30-$25 per wrap.
Your profit on the wrap is dependent on how you got your wraps –
Did you purchase at Distributor cost?
Did you boost your kit?
Did you use Wrap rewards?
Did you get them with your free product credit?
You can control your profit margin.
Avg monthly earnings
Click here to watch Video
Click here to sign up

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